Duration: July 2023 - June 2025 

Project budget: EUR 1,039,506

Donor: European Union

Location: Armenia (Syunik, Gegharkunik, Tavush regions), Georgia (Imereti, Kakheti, Samtskhe-Javakheti, Samegrelo regions), Moldova (Chisinau, Balti and Cahul regions)

Implementing Partners: World Vision Armenia, World Vision Georgia, IRIS Business Incubator Foundation (IRIS BI), MilleniuM Training and Development Institute

Project Status: Ongoing

Key Achievements


SKYE Clubs in Armenia, 10 SKYE Clubs in Georgia and 5 SKYE Clubs in Moldova are established


leaders of SKYE Clubs in Armenia participated in capacity building training

Goals and objectives

The project fosters active participation of youth in both democratic and economic life by enhancing entrepreneurial and career management skills among youth, with a focus on disadvantaged youth, as well as supporting youth-led social enterprises that address community-level problems and focus on digital and green transition in Armenia, Georgia, and Moldova.                     

The Overall Objective of the Project is to have Successful entrepreneurial and career management practices as well as enhanced social business opportunities in place for the youth in Armenia, Georgia and Moldova․


Key actions

Key activities of the project include: Conducting entrepreneurship trainings for the youth, Organizing idea pitching country events and cross-border presentation and award ceremony, Developing and disseminate design thinking and SE handbook, Organising ToTs for representatives of Educational Institutions, Youth Organisations, BSOs and individual experts on design thinking and social entrepreneurship for integration into their curriculum and support schemes, Establishing “SKYE Net” transnational platform, Organising national and transnational forums, Providing 10 sub-grants to the youth organizations.                    

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