Duration: October 2023 - September 2024
Project budget: EUR 300,000
Donor: Aktion Deutschland Hilft / ADH
Location: Gegharkunik region - Vardenis and Syunik region - Kapan
Project Status: Ongoing

Goals and objectives
Tհe main goal of the "Safe Home: Building Resilience and Secure Livelihoods of Most Vulnerable Children of Vardenis and Kapan" project is to support the recovery and building resilience of most vulnerable households and children of Vardenis and Kapan communities of the Gegharkunik and Syunik regions of Armenia.
The objectives of the project are: ensuring psycho-social and economic resilience of the most vulnerable Households is improved through livelihoods and protection interventions, and that Vardenis and Kapan communities have improved resilience to emergencies and related community services.
Key actions
Key activities of the project include: Providing most vulnerable children with opportunities to improve psycho-social well-being through MHPSS support and life skills classes,Supporting most vulnerable households (HHs) to secure their livelihoods, Supporting local Government bodies of Vardenis and Kapan communities to enhance capacity and resources for conflict-sensitive emergency preparedness, Supporting Vardenis and Kapan communities to improve community services related with emergency response.