Back Back 1691 children attended World Vision's #Dreamcamp 20/09/2019
1691 children attended World Vision's #Dreamcamp

This summer 1691 children attended World Vision's #Dreamcamp. For 534 of them funding was made possible through individuals and businesses in Armenia. 

68 companies and 824 individuals from Armenia joined the campaign gathering 18,707,770 AMD in total.

World Vision Armenia organizes summer camps since 2001 and during the last 19 years, more than 50,000 children from vulnerable families attended the camps. 

At the summer camp, the children eat four nutritious meals a day, gain essential life skills, acquire valuable knowledge, and enjoy leisure activities.

Children return to their life in the village with a new outlook and a great experience to share with their families and friends.

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Carrefour Armenia provides 150 students with new school bags and supplies

Carrefour Armenia joins World Vision Armenia’s ‘Back To School’ donation campaign and provides 150 student with new schoolbags and primary school supplies for the children from families living in poverty.
