Back Back Day 15 -"One Day, One Gift" 16/12/2016
Day 15 -"One Day, One Gift"

Mary's family is very large. Five years old girl lives with her parents, six sisters and two brothers. She dreams of having a real play-room with lots of toys , where she would play with her siblings.

On December 1 World Vision Armenia launched a Facebook campaign titled One Day, One Gift, to raise funds for Christmas gifts for 30 children living in the rural communities of Noyemberyan, Amasia and Tchambarak. Each gift costs 10,000 AMD and includes a toy and traditional New Year's sweets.

Every day a story about a child's life and dreams will be posted on World Vision's Facebook page https:/ 

Join our One day, one gift campaign, and give Mary a New Year miracle!

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1691 children attended World Vision's #Dreamcamp
1691 children attended World Vision's #Dreamcamp

This summer 1691 children attended World Vision's #Dreamcamp. For 534 of them funding was made possible through individuals and businesses in Armenia. 
